
The New Shape of Education: A “Triangle Approach”

Elisabeth Tavarez
Fontaine Hall, the School of Liberal Arts

许多圣母学院的学生采用“三角模式”,将传统专业与专业前的辅修课程和实习相结合. It’s preparing them for a complex and ever-changing workplace.

January 10, 2020 -圣母教育既以文科为基础,又注重现实世界的经验. During their time at the College, 玛丽斯特的学生受益于模范教学和独特的学习机会, and they go on to successful careers, elite graduate schools, and nationally competitive fellowships. 雇主重视通过学习文科获得的技能:批判性思维, the ability to write well, and a broad knowledge base. Increasingly, 学院的跨学科学习方法和灵活的课程使学生能够多样化他们的思维,并在他们的学术探究中更加广阔.

在帮助学生为职场成功做好准备方面,没有人比文科学院(SLA)采取更创新的方法了。. With a cross-disciplinary mindset, SLA鼓励学生探索多个感兴趣的学术领域,以提高他们毕业后的市场竞争力. This approach has been dubbed the “Triangle Approach,, SLA的学生正在用它来追求战略性的学习组合. 例如,一个学生可能会选择选修一门主修课程和两门辅修课程,或者选修一门辅修课程. In this culture of collaboration, 英语专业的学生如果想写环境问题,可以选修环境研究、公共关系或新闻学. 对移民问题感兴趣的历史专业增加了社会工作和西班牙语未成年人. 对性别平等和法律职业感兴趣的政治学专业学生可以考虑辅修女性专业, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and a Paralegal certificate.

According to SLA Dean Martin Shaffer, “在你选择的专业之外拓展是一个很好的机会,可以让你变得更全面,为就业市场做更好的准备. It makes you stand out, and future employers will definitely take notice. 我们有很多学生使用三角方法来建立成功的职业生涯的例子.他指出,bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学灵活的学术文化使学生很容易修双专业或增加辅修专业. In addition, 学院足够小,学生可以得到指导和建议,帮助他们建立自己的三角关系. Notes Shaffer, “学术三角给学生们在求职面试时提供了一个策略性的故事. It gives them that ‘something extra.'” Combined in many cases with the internships, community service, and experiential learning the College is known for, Marist students are going on to great things.

Bernadette Hogan ’17, New York Post

Bernadette Hogan '17

17岁的伯纳黛特·霍根(Bernadette Hogan)发现,要想在新闻行业取得成功,你不一定要主修传播学. For the past year, 她曾是《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》的政治记者(她曾是Spectrum News夜间全州政治节目的视频制作人)。. As the newspaper’s sole representative in Albany, she covers state-level issues such as the vaping epidemic, providing driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants, and the measles outbreak. Hogan has even gotten to work on a Marist-related story, namely that of Associate Professor of English Tommy Zurhellen, who 他去年走遍了美国,以提高人们对退伍军人自杀和无家可归问题的关注. Says Hogan, “I pitched the story to my Sunday editors, 谁最终爱上了它,想知道更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注他的旅行和他遇到了谁. The story ended up being a big spread on page three of the New York Post.”

In Albany, 霍根与一群来自其他媒体的分社记者一起工作,他们相互支持. 她发现,随着她在新闻事业上的进步,他们也帮助她提高了自己的技巧:“纽约州是一个拥有大量资金的庞大实体, power, and history that it’s tough to break into.  The best reporters have been up here for years and are brilliant. I feel like I’m at the Super Bowl every day.” As if that didn’t keep her busy enough, Hogan is also a regular guest on weekly political roundup shows. 

Notes Hogan, “我在bet亚洲365欢迎投注接受的文科教育确实为我现在的工作做好了准备. All of those subject areas really converge in politics.” A double major in English and philosophy, Hogan also minored in Spanish and theatre while at Marist, 沉迷于多个学术领域的兴趣,获得全面的视角. She says, “I’m a firm believer in the liberal arts, so it was important to me to have that type of undergraduate experience. 玛丽斯特的小班授课是一个巨大的优势,出国留学项目也是如此.” At Marist, 霍根有机会为学院的报纸写新闻和评论文章, The Circle, ultimately serving as editor-in-chief. She adds, “写专栏文章是一段很棒的经历,因为它帮助我真正思考全国性的话题.学生时期,Hogan在NY1的政治部实习,并参加了Marist’s Albany Summer Internship Program, working at The Vandervort Group LLC, a lobbying firm in the state capital. The experience proved to be a great introduction to state politics.

霍根对希望进入竞争激烈的新闻业的学生们提出了建议:“学习成为一名伟大的作家和演说家,培养使你多才多艺的技能. Ask yourself, ‘What can I do to set myself apart from others?’”

Megan Nickel ’19, The Overbrook Foundation

Megan Nickel '19

Recent Marist graduate Megan Nickel majored in environmental science & policy (concentration in policy), receiving the Baccalaureate Award for Excellence in Environmental Science, and was part of the Honors Program. As a student, 她在奥尔巴尼的纽约环境倡导组织和波基普西的哈德逊风景区完成了实习, 培养对非营利组织的真正欣赏,并获得认真的政策专业知识. Her internship for Environmental Advocates, which came through the Albany Summer Internship Program, 包括游说立法者提出的立法和做相关的研究法案和事件. Her Scenic Hudson internship, through the Tarver Summer Internship Program, 尼克尔开发并管理了波基普西(Poughkeepsie)南区的行人需求评估,并将调查结果提交给了市议会(City Common Council). As part of group capping project with other environmental science students, 她帮助莱茵贝克村开发了一个洪水预测模型, researching methods to mitigate flooding, and identifying grant opportunities. She presented her report and summary at the Village’s board meeting.

In addition to her major in environmental policy, Nickel also had minors in Spanish, political science, and Latin American & Caribbean Studies, broadening her perspective significantly. During senior year, 她在哥斯达黎加花了一个学期的时间,在圣何塞的国际发展研究中心学习可持续人类发展和西班牙语. While in Costa Rica, 尼克尔通过在摩林加之家做志愿者培养了她的专业技能, a network of urban gardens, and by completing a two-week intensive experience at Finca el Tablazo, an organic and sustainable farm. Separately, 在校园事工组织的梅里达服务之旅中,她继续磨练自己的西班牙语能力, Mexico.

对环境正义和国际发展都有浓厚的兴趣, 尼克尔充分发挥了她的学术准备和实践经验,在奥弗布鲁克基金会担任环境项目助理. Based in New York City, Overbrook是一个进步的家庭基金会,支持促进人权和保护自然环境的组织. Nickel has a variety of responsibilities. She and her colleagues meet with, learn from, 并支持致力于运动建设领域的环保非营利组织, corporate and consumer practices, innovation, and Latin American biodiversity conservation. While grantmaking is the foundation’s primary function, 他们随时了解环境领域的趋势,并撰写报告和其他项目

Says Nickel, “跨学科的教育对我在奥弗布鲁克的工作和慈善事业都有很大的帮助. 环境科学的一个中心原则是地球相互联系的本质. Through my background in Spanish and Latin American and Caribbean studies, I have practical communication skills and I also understand the social, cultural, and historical context for environmental disputes. 我的政治学背景使我熟悉政府是如何以及为什么做出决策的, and in turn, how citizens may influence government. An interdisciplinary, liberal arts education has prepared me to look at complex systems, recognize correlation and causation, and make and defend decisions.” In particular, 尼克尔斯指出,美国的低收入和非英语社区往往处于环境冲突的前沿, 因此,西班牙语的交流能力使她能够积极地与遭受气候危机冲击的社区合作.

Her biggest piece of advice for students? “Take what you’ve learned in the classroom and run with it. Your internships, projects, 经历让你与众不同,让你为改变世界做好准备.”

Joe Theall ’16, Suffolk Law School

Joe Theall '16

At Marist, Joe the16岁,主修政治学,主修公共管理, and he added minors in accounting and cinema studies. In addition, he was a member of the Honors Program. Theall notes, “我一直对地方政府被低估的作用很感兴趣,我认为公共管理课程和会计课程的结合将为我毕业后从事市政管理工作提供实用技能. Taking courses such as Public Finance, Governmental Accounting, 税务和公共管理给了我一套很好的技能,使我在其他毕业生中脱颖而出.他的教育方法也使他充分利用了在玛丽斯特的时间,并结识了来自不同学院的优秀教师. As he puts it, “选修一门课程和两门辅修课程,让我真正体验了这所学院提供的最好的东西.”

After graduation, 他原本计划回到他的家乡马萨诸塞州从事政策或立法工作, 但他被吸引回哈德逊河谷,担任西风·蒂奇奥特(Zephyr Teachout)在纽约第19区的国会竞选活动的财务助理. After the election, 国会议员凯文·卡希尔(金士顿民主党人)在奥尔巴尼的办公室里空缺了一个委员会文员的职位。. Says Theall, “I often joked that it was exactly the job that I wanted after graduation but in in the wrong state; however, 这个机会最终提供了巨大的个人和职业发展机会.“与纽约州议会的一位资深成员、保险委员会主席合作,让Theall有机会研究和进一步立法复杂的问题,比如编纂《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》的条款, modernizing the ride-hailing industry in Upstate New York, and ensuring insurance coverage of updated healthcare technologies. As Theall remembers it, “The work was demanding, 我经常利用我在政治学课程中培养的分析和写作技巧. Whether writing a policy-focused press release or a bill memo, 我一直依赖于我在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的文科教育中磨练出来的研究和写作能力.” Outside the office, 他们协调了议员卡希尔连任竞选的筹款活动, 他在哪里很好地运用了他在bet亚洲365欢迎投注会计课程中学到的技能.

他们一直都知道,他想攻读更高的学位,然后回到马萨诸塞州, so law school was a logical next step. In 2019, he enrolled full-time at Suffolk University Law School in Boston, where he’s a member of the Suffolk University Law Review and teaching assistant for a first-year contracts course. Recently, he accepted a position as a summer associate at Ropes & Gray LLP, a prestigious international law firm headquartered in Boston. Theall说:“我的关注点有所改变,我现在正在寻找公司法方面的机会. 我在bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学学习过商业课程,我的朋友们在投资管理和新兴企业中担任了令人兴奋的角色, I’ve always had a curiosity about private-sector work.他认为,他在文科学位上培养的分析能力, as well as his professional experiences, have proved incredible valuable in law school. “I’m always digging deeper into issues and, in many ways, 我的硕士学位和工作经验使我能够更好地理解“现实世界”和既定法律原则之间的交集.”

And how does that minor in cinema studies fit into the overall picture? Says Theall, “我一直认为,大学是追求个人兴趣的重要时期. My passion for movies developed as a kid wandering video stores. 我很高兴bet亚洲365欢迎投注开设的课程将电影作为一种艺术形式进行探索,并深入研究在休闲观影中经常被忽视的主题和技术.尽管他最初并没有想到自己的学位会对自己的职业生涯产生影响, 他发现在简历上有“与众不同的东西”会是一笔巨大的财富. 他回忆起他与一家大型律师事务所的高级合伙人的一次面试:“我原以为我们会花时间讨论我的法律技能, but instead, 在采访中,伴侣讨论了最近上映的最好的电影,以及我们共同热爱电影的起源. It was great to not only talk about a subject I’m passionate about, 但我的经历,bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学精彩的电影研究项目,让我能够在这个话题上发表睿智的演讲.” 

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